Quarterly Reading 0x13


I was writing this about two weeks ago, but the first section Exactly-once in Kafka ended up as a full post. The topic has been keeping its momentum this week,

but I will refrain myself from talking more since there is a lot to catch up.


  • Apache Beam published first stable release 2.0.0. They went up directly from 0.6.0 to join Cloud Dataflow 2.0 SDK which is based on Beam 2.0.0.

  • Apache Storm community released 1.0.4, a maintenance release along the 1.0.x line. Note Storm also has a 1.1.x line with Streaming SQL and Kafka 0.10 support. I guess they try to stick to Semantic Versioning.

    1. MAJOR version when you make incompatible API changes,
    2. MINOR version when you add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
    3. PATCH version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.

    The downside is now two minor versions have to be maintained for bug fixes.

  • Apache Flink has made the fourth major release 1.3.0 shortly followed by bug-fix release 1.3.1. Some notable new features are incremental checkpointing for RocksDB, side outputs, support for retractions in Table API/SQL. This is also a bug-fix version, 1.2.1 for 1.2 series. In the future,

    Users can expect Flink releases now in a 4 month cycle. At the beginning of the 1.3 release cycle, the community decided to follow a strict time-based release model.

  • Our Gearpump has also made a bug-fix release, 0.8.4.

Google Cloud Big Data

Google Cloud Big Data blog has a series of After Lambda: Exactly-once processing in Cloud Dataflow

They also have announced

Java land

That's it but I still have more than 50 articles in my Pocket(read-it-later App). "read-it-later" is actually becoming "never read". That has made me to start a new experiment, read-it-now, to improve my reading quality.

Rather than saving an article to Pocket to read it later, I’d like to read it now, take notes and put down my thoughts in a GitHub issue