Triweekly Reading 0xF


Starting out this week, I'd like to share something different. It's My Showdown with MJ by my hero Manu Ginobili recollecting his only game with Michael Jordan, his childhood hero. I believe it's called inheritance. I've always been fascinated by Manu's passion, his magic and how he saved his team and fans from despair. I even named myself "Manu"!

Let's get back to technical session.


  • data Artisans guys debunked six stream processing myths. These are long-time misconceptions on streaming people get from early versions of streaming systems.

    • There's no streaming without batch
    • Latency and Throughput: Choose One
    • Micro-batching means better throughput
    • Exactly once? Completely impossible
    • Streaming only applies to "real-time"
  • Ever heard of Reactive Streams but wondering what it actually does? Let's get into A Journey into Reactive Streams. Reactive Streams is a specification to solve stream processing problems and its implementations will be able to communicate via the Reactive Streams protocol.




From Martin Fowler's Bliki (Blog + Wiki)
