Some while ago I read from Joe Hellerstein introducing great work from his two former students, The Professors Peter, A and B. This week we have some good stuff from both Peter, A and B.
In this interview with Peter Alvaro on distributed computing, he shared about why distributed programming is hard.
distributed systems are fundamentally hard, as we have always known because of the presence and interaction of two different forms of uncertainty.
The two forms of uncertainty are
On the other side, Peter Bailis encouraged everyone to get started in research and gave an example of no one is born a researcher
One of my closest colleagues started off doing technical support during the first dot-com boom with only an undergraduate degree in literature and no background in Computer Science. Today, my colleague is a tenure-track professor doing work I deeply respect and admire.
Guess who is that colleague ? Peter A !!!
Peter B's blog is the best place to know why distributed programming is hard.
This is the end. I mean, the end of beginning.
Real-Time Event Streaming: What Are Your Options? interestingly decompose a typical streaming architecture into three major components
Julia Evans firstly shared his recent experience in Java garbage collection can be really know and then gave some helpful links on Java garbage collection
Daniel Spiewak explains Miles Sabin's magic in fixing SI-2172.
def foo[F[_], A](fa: F[A]): String = fa.toString
type IntConsumer[A] = Int => A
val f: IntConsumer[Int] = { x: Int => x * 2 }
foo(f) // nope!
The above should compile now in Scala 2.12.
Clojure Design Patterns from the conversation of two modest programmers Pedro Veel and Eve Dopler, who are solving common software engineering problems and applying design patterns.
The morning paper focused on EuroSys 2016 this week, where we get to know the cost and performance implications of non-volatile memory in Data Tiering in Heterogeneous Memory Systems.
Syslog also has a highlight of EuroSys 2016.
The 2015 winners,
Now the real end, and end of April.