Weekly Reading 0x2


“Winter, spring, summer or fall
All you’ve got to do is call
And I’ll be there, ye, ye, ye
You’ve got a friend”
-James Taylor

Bill Campbell passed away last week. Honestly, I've never heard of this name before but the "Coach" has deeply influenced the Silicon Valley, tutoring Steve Jobs, Jeff Beros, Google founders, Ben Horowitz and countless others. Ben Horowitz expressed his sorrows starting with the above poem.

Let's start this week.


  • End-to-end “Exactly-Once” with Apache Apex explains how Apex delivers exactly-once semantics through Kafka connector (with window id to offset tracking), state checkpointing at window boundary and JDBC transaction to make atomic write.

  • Windowing and State checkpointing in Apache Storm explores support for windowing operations and stateful processing in Storm 1.0.0. Storm now tracks event time and deals with out-of-order tuples with watermark, and state snapshot with checkpoint stream.

Machine Learning



  • Academese to English: A Practical Tour of Scala’s Type System takes an tour of Scala's type system with rich examples. For those from Java world, you will find it make much sense since finally a list of dogs can be a list of animals. This talk doesn't, however, touch the complex stuff like type-level programming, higher-kinded types and path-dependent types.



For an investigation of severe labor abuses tied to the supply of seafood to American supermarkets and restaurants, reporting that freed 2,000 slaves, brought perpetrators to justice and inspired reforms.

I'd like to end this week with Horowitz's

The worst thing about today is that I can’t call Bill. I miss him so much.