Gearpump Log #1


[INFO] Gearpump retires from Apache Incubator 

After incubating for two and a half years at Apache Software Foundation (ASF), Gearpump recently retired from Apache incubator and returned to GitHub home.

Hi all,

Gearpump has been an Apache incubator sinceĀ 2016-03-08. Thank you all for help to incubate Gearpump and keep it move forward.

The activity around Gearpump has, however, slowed down and the last release was more than one year ago. There is no sign of a growing community, which is a requirement to be a Apache TLP. The long period of release process has made things even harder for such a slim community.

I don't see a future for Gearpump within Apache so it's better off to leave.

What do you think ?

Manu Zhang

After had been the only one to develop Gearpump for a while, I finally started the discussion to retire it on dev list. We reached consensus and passed a formal vote. After another vote passed on general list, Gearpump officially retired. Note retirement doesn't mean the end of this project and Gearpump will continue on GitHub reserving all commits. The Apache repo is archived.

[INFO] Gearpump continues on GitHub

A new journey has started. From now on, I'd like to log everything (commits, issues, thoughts, etc) of Gearpump . I regret not having done so earlier as I can hardly remember the early design decisions we made and why.

The first thing I did is adding scala-steward integration which helps to keep Gearpump's dependencies up-to-date. Scala-steward robot has opened 55 pull requests and I've merged 5 of them to update Akka, algebird, etc. It will periodically check for updates.

Then I planed to decompose the huge codebase into various projects under gearpump group since it would be too much for me to maintain and upgrade dependencies. For example, the external-kafka module depends on Kafka which has no scala 2.12 release. I drew a graph of inter-project dependency with sbt-project-graph and ported the external modules to gearpump-externals along with corresponding examples. Nonetheless, I quitted mid-way when I found it's too hard to separate out the remaining modules. Given everything is already archived at the Apache repo, I simply removed non-core modules.

As Gearpump is no longer an Apache project, the package must be renamed from org.apache.gearpump and ASF license headers removed. It's a big change and renaming package with Intellij pushed my 2015 Mac Pro to the limit. A follow-up fix had to be made for what I had left out.

Upgrading to Scala 2.12 had been on my schedule for a while but was blocked by an ancient version of Upickle. Upickle is the json serialization library for communication between Gearpump's dashboard and backend. The usage of Upickle has changed a lot. It used to generate reader/writers for a case class automatically while they have to be defined manually now.

Upgrading to Scala 2.12 itself was not too much work. From the release blog of Scala 2.12.0

Although Scala 2.11 and 2.12 are mostly source compatible to facilitate cross-building, they are not binary compatible

Some notable differences are

  1. These scalacOptions, -Yinline-warnings, -Yclosure-elim and -Yinline, no longer exist. Here are some recommended flags for 2.12.

  2. Type inference. -Xsource:2.11 can get you the old behavior and tell whether the failure is brought by changes in 2.12.


    trait BasicService {
      private val LOG: Logger = LogUtil.getLogger(getClass) 
    // [error] overloaded method value getLogger with alternatives
    // [T](clazz: Class[T]org.slf4j.Logger <and>
    // [T](clazz: Class[T], context: String ...)org.slf4j.Logger
    private val LOG: Logger = LogUtil.getLogger(classOf[BasicService]) //OK


    class DummyRunner[T] extends FlatMapper[T, T](FlatMapFunction(Option(_)), "")
    // [error] missing parameter type for expanded function
    class DummyRunner[T] extends FlatMapper[T,T](
        FlatMapFunction((t => Option(t)): T => TraversableOnce[T]), "") //OK

With these major changes, I bumped up the target version of next release from 0.8.5-SNAPSHOT to 0.9.0-SNAPSHOT. Next step would be more testing and make sure there is no regression with Beam's Gearpump runner. If everything is OK, then 0.9.0 is good to go.

[INFO] 13 commits, 8 issues opened and 6 resolved after the return of Gearpump