Biweekly Reading 0xD


The biggest news for me in the past two weeks is the US Presidential Election. No, it's the release of Scala 2.12.

The Scala 2.12 compiler has been completely overhauled to fully leverage the new VM features available in Java 8
Code compiled on 2.12 requires a Java 8 runtime
Scala 2.12 maintains source compatibility with 2.11, cross-building for both 2.11 and 2.12 is a one-line change to most sbt-based projects

The latest news is that Scala 2.12 would require jdk8u111 owing to a JIT bug.

Also in the news are the results for Sort Benchmark Competition this year. Tencent won GraySort (44.8 TB/min) and MinuteSort (37TB in 60 seconds) with OpenPOWER systems while Alibaba lead CloudSort ($1.44/TB) with Haswell servers.

More on the hardware side, North Carolina researchers and Intel proposed to use hardware queues to break the multi-core CPU bottleneck.

Now some nice readings for the past weeks.

There are far more interesting materials from