Monthly Reading 0x8


Okay, the Weekly Reading has finally embarrassingly turned into Monthly Reading. I leave the id auto-incremented to 0x8.


Machine Learning

Distributed Systems

  • Aysylu Greenberg discussed patterns in distributed systems from systems she has worked at Google.

    • Robust & scaleable pipelines
    • Leases for sharing & heartbeat
    • Trade off inaccuracy for resilience & performance

Apache Spark

Scala & Java


  • Stackoverflow has an 34 min outage on July 20. From the official Outage Postmortem,

    The direct cause was a malformed post that caused one of our regular expressions to consume high CPU on our web servers.

  • Nathan Marz questioned the practice of recruiting in The limited value of a computer science education.

    Whether someone can or cannot solve some cute algorithm problem in a high-pressure situation tells you nothing about that person's ability to write solid, clean, well-structured programs in normal working conditions.

    He said take-home projects is a better alternative. Yes, I agree and I asked the interviewers to give a brief presentation on one of awesome-bigdata lists last time.