Weekly Reading 0x1


I love reading articles and projects on the Internet from all fields of programming, computer science, engineering and technology. The problem is that so much information easily wears me out. I usually put the posts in Pocket to read later but my Pocket items just keep accumulating (Yes, I'm a procrastinator). The information is not digested before going out so the good contents on the Web are not made good use of. That has troubled me for long and finally I've made my mind to write a weekly summary of what I've read over the previous week, also in the spirit of others, e.g. Cake Solutions Team Blogs, Fight with Infinity, Web Development Reading List, Hadoop Weekly. Note that it's the time when I read those articles not when they are published. As a analogy, it's processing time rather than event time in a streaming system and lateness is inherent.

Ok, here comes the first one.

Distributed Systems


Machine Learning


Network / Web

  • Once Again on TCP vs UDP weighs up their pros and cons but there is always a trade off.

    In a sense, replacing TCP with UDP is trading off reliability for interactivity. The most critical factor in selection of one over another one is usually related to acceptable delays.

  • Security Collapse in the HTTPS Market from ACM Queue assesses legal and technique solutions to secure HTTPS. It's essential to understand the economic incentives of the stakeholders, web-site owners, certificate authorities, web browsers, and end users.

  • Google Cloud experienced a connectivity issue in all regions last week. Check Google Cloud Status for detailed description and root cause. TL;DR, it's software bugs.


Ok, This is the end of first week.